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Composer and Musician – Ranald (Quee) MacArthur


Quee has composed for many dance and theatre and film productions over the last 28 years, including The River by Barrowland Ballet, The Buke of The Howlat by Findhorn Bay Arts, Tantalus by Plan B Dance company “Do You Mind.. Can I ask What Happened what happened (to your legs?). A short film by Simon Fildes and Cagoule.


He has recently been working with What Moves You CIC for the Participatory Arts project in Newburgh, Fife, titled Light Up.


Six Hundred and Thirty-Five Days is the album released in 2024 on Quee’s record label MacArthur
The Coigach Community Development Company invited eight brilliant Scottish musicians to collaborate on new work inspired by the people and landscapes of the neighbouring parishes of Coigach and Assynt. The musicians who collaborated to create the album of the Coigach and Assynt Collective are: Mairearad Green, Charlie Grey, Quee MacArthur, Kathleen MacInnes, Graham Mackenzie, Rachel Newton, Joseph Peach and Ross Whyte. Listen to the 635 Days


Following a successful short run at Dancebase in 2023 Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Quee will be continuing to perform in the children’s show My Friend Selkie, which he co-created with Dawn Hartley, Niamh O’Loughlin and Laura Booth.


2002-2024 Quee played bass, wrote and recorded in the Scottish band Shooglenifty. He still plays some gigs with them.


In 2020, Quee initiated a CS funded project, Telluric Translations, with Luke Plumb, Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach, exploring remote collaboration to create music based on each of the collaborator’s local environment. Telluric‘s first phase created short, videos and experiences and an album recorded and released in 2022. Listen to Telluric


In 2022, Quee collaborated in designing and delivering Creative Paths with Dawn Hartley and Nicola Kennell, providing creative walks and online workshops for carers in Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City in conjunction with Findhorn Bay Arts and Quarriers UK.


He composed and recorded music for four outdoor dance solos for the project What Moves You? by Dawn Hartley, Julia McGhee, Niamh O’Loughlin and Skye Reynolds.

In February 2021, Quee worked with Dawn and Indepen-dance to create the first online residency for Young 1’z, culminating in a successful virtual performance appreciated by friends and parents.

During lockdown in 2020, Dawn and Quee created Sea Path, an online participatory project, in partnership with The Byre Theatre. Quee also created soundtracks for a screendance film by Joanna McNamarra and for Dawn Hartley’s Dancebase Online R&D. He developed remote collaboration skills in projects with RCS Transitions students, for The Remix Project by Findhorn Bay Arts and delivered a webinar for the Scottish Music Centre.


In 2019, Quee collaborated with musicians Joseph Peach and Charlie Grey to record structured improvisations based on a walk through the landscape of Assynt. From these improvisations, the three musicians created the EP Memory Path.


Quee played in various bands and created many scores for dance and theatre since 1987.



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